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Earl L. Vandermeulen High School Student Tucker Stanton Leads Annual ‘Teds for Tot’s Fundraising Drive to Comfort Children

Earl L. Vandermeulen High School student, Tucker Stanton with stuffed animals thumbnail264428

Earl L. Vandermeulen High School student, Tucker Stanton, along with his older brother, spearheaded the annual Teds for Tots initiative—an effort to collect new stuffed animals for children involved in difficult family court proceedings. The drive, which began two years ago, was inspired by a conversation with their mother, who works at a family court in Central Islip and has seen firsthand the emotional toll court proceedings take on children.

Tucker’s mother has represented many children who were required to attend family court hearings, often related to custody disputes or cases of neglect and abuse. During these proceedings, children often are made to testify, adding extra stress to an already difficult situation. To help comfort these children, several judges in the court started providing stuffed animals, offering a small measure of comfort. However, due to the large number of children involved, the stuffed animal supply quickly ran out.

Recognizing the need for a more consistent solution, Tucker and his brother decided to launch the annual stuffed animal drive at Earl L. Vandermeulen High School. The brothers have worked tirelessly to collect donations, which they personally deliver to the family court each year. This year, the drive successfully gathered over 200 stuffed animals, making a significant impact on the children who will benefit from this act of kindness.

We hope to continue to grow our collection and perhaps add additional collection boxes in places like our public library,” said Tucker Stanton. “When I leave the district in about a year and a half, I would like to pass this initiative on to an underclassman to ensure that the tradition continues.

The Teds for Tots drive is a testament to the generosity and compassion of the Stanton brothers and the spirit of giving at Earl L. Vandermeulen High School. The ongoing success of this initiative has shown how small efforts can lead to a meaningful impact in the community.

Date Added: 2/24/2025