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Food Services

Phone: (631) 791-4485


Information on Free or Reduced Meals

Dear Port Jefferson School District Families,

The Port Jefferson School District’s federal funding waiver, which enabled the District to offer lunch at no charge to all our students, has ended. The federal program, started early in the pandemic, was extended to students across the country to be sure that healthy meals were provided to aid in their success at school.

As a reminder, families may qualify for free or reduced price meals. Eligibility is based upon individual household income levels. Families must fill out an annual application to qualify for this program. Please contact your principal or access the following link: for a free and reduced meal application.

As always, the Port Jefferson School District is pleased to offer an exceptional educational program for all our students. In partnership with our district nutrition professionals, we will continue to provide students with access to a nutritional and inviting food service program.


2024-2025 Meal Prices
Elementary Lunch  $3.95 
Secondary Lunch $4.20
Milk, all schools 80¢


My School Bucks

The Port Jefferson Food Service Department is pleased to offer parents a secure, family-friendly system for online prepayments and nutrition education. enables parents to deposit money into their child's school meal plan, track item purchases, and view their child's account balance. Letters went out this January outlining the program and included your child's student ID# which is necessary for signing up for If you do not have your child's student ID number and wish to sign up for the program, or have questions about the service, please call the Food Service Office at 791-4485.

Click here to go to

NOTE: MySchoolBucks Program Fee Increase Effective July 29, 2021. MySchoolBucks program convenience fee will increase from $2.49 per payment to $2.75. Click here to view the letter regarding this increase.


Point of Sale Information

The Port Jefferson UFSD has a computerized point of sale payment system for all school meals purchased in the district’s cafeterias. The purpose of this letter is to introduce this system to all parents and make them familiar with the services that are provided.

Every student has their own personal lunchroom account based on the last four digits of their student ID number. These numbers should not be shared between students. We ask that students memorize their number to help reduce wait time. In the case that a student forgets their ID number, their account can be accessed on the PIN pads located at every register. Students can view their balance, and will be notified of a low balance, once the transaction is complete.



  • Prepayment monies are accepted at any time, in any amount, and should be submitted only to cafeteria personnel.
  • Checks are preferred above cash and should be made payable to Port Jefferson UFSD School Lunch Fund.
  • Please include the student's ID number on the face of the check.
  • Payment with a major credit card or debit card may also be made at the mySchoolBucks website.
  • Regular lunches cost $3.95 (ES)/$4.20 (MS/HS).



If your student has qualified for free or reduced price lunch, this information is securely contained within the system and the meal will be processed just as it is for all other students. There is no need to be concerned for a potentially uncomfortable situation for the student.



If you are concerned about a food allergy that your student has, please notify the cafeteria with this information. A warning will appear on the cashier’s screen for a quick review of the items on the student’s meal tray.

If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the office of cafeteria services at 631-791-4485.


USDA Food & Nutrition Services

Click here to visit the USDA Food & Nutrition Services website.



Interested in a position in food service at your child's school? Earn while your child learns. Please email the food service manager at or call 631-791-4485.

Lunch Menus 

Letters & Notices


FD Meal Planner