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Facilities and Operations 

Mr. Robert Minarik, Plant Facilities Administrator
Ms. Christine Pierre, Secretary for Operations and Maintenance
Rich Lautato, Crew Leader
Salvatore Figliolia, High School Head Custodian
Paul Scalcione, Elementary School Head Custodian


The Operations and Maintenance Staff is working to update and improve:


The Maintenance and Custodial staffs, assisted by our Temperature Controls Contractor, are working to establish heating temperatures of 65 to 68 degrees building wide.  Thermostats have been checked and calibrated, control valves were replaced, and set points adjusted. 

The District issued a Request for Proposal for Energy Conservation Services. The program, modeled after successful programs utilized by other School District's through out the country, will focus on the adjustment and fine tuning of existing systems, and  educating building occupants.  The program will be revenue neutral and be funded by the cost avoidances generated by the program.
Another avenue being explored is Energy Performance Contracting.  An Energy Performance Contract is another revenue neutral program.  Energy Service Companies (ESCO) submit proposals for energy saving improvements.  The savings generated by the improvements must fund the cost of the projects.  Typically proposals will include energy management systems, lighting upgrades, photovoltaic panels, wind energy, and building envelope improvements. The District is actively exploring the potential savings.  The District is working with an ESCO, at no cost, to explore potential savings.  If the preliminary reports are favorable, the District will issue a formal RFP.


Environmentally Preferable Cleaning

The Custodial Staff is evaluating all cleaning products and procedures.  Staffs in both buildings are experimenting with Green Seal Certified Cleaning Products ( from multiple manufacturers.  As we start the New Year we will be phasing in Greenseal Certified paper towels, toilet tissue, and hand soap.  A switch to micro-fiber drag mops and cleaning cloths is planned.


An Organic Approach to Fields

The District's grounds staff is taking a new approach to field maintenance.  The soil from fields throughout the District and the water used for irrigation are sampled and sent off to a lab for a complete analysis.  The analysis results in a plan that looks at both the nutrients needed by the turf and the turf's ability to access these nutrients.  Applications address the plants specific nutritional needs.

A major factor affecting the turf's ability to access nutrition is compaction.  To counteract compaction caused by the pounding feet of our many student athletes the grounds staff utilizes a program of regular aeration.  Aeration, coupled with a schedule of regular over seeding, will lead to healthier denser turf.  Healthy well nourished turf is not as susceptible to weeds and disease.  This reduces the reliance on herbicides and pesticides.