Guiding Ideas
- A culture of respect, trust, professionalism and high expectations for students, employees and parents is essential to be an optimal learning organization.
- High expectations promote high achievement and every student is capable of completing high school and experiencing post graduate success in college, careers or equipped to transition directly into the workforce.
- Every student is capable of learning and achieving individual success and should be provided with significant opportunities to build on their strengths and interests and explore growth options and potential careers.
- We achieve greater success with students when the adults; share a vision, invest in its attainment, align our work, have input into decisions that affect them and work collaboratively with colleagues, families, other districts, colleges, and businesses.
- A successful district has strong leadership from all constituent groups.
- Students and staff must have an appreciation of our district and community’s rich history and understand their importance as a piece of the lasting legacy of Port Jefferson.
- Positive adult-adult, adult-student and student–student relationships foster student success in school.
- Thoughts, ideas, and disagreements should be expressed in a respectful manner in order to solve problems.
- Students’ learning increases when they see the purpose and relevance of school.
- Adult learning is ongoing in successful districts.
- Barriers to assisting students are removed in successful districts.
- Passionate and caring adults can have a positive influence on every student’s emotional, social, academic and physical development.
- Students learn best and employees are most productive in an environment that is safe and secure physically and emotionally.
- All students must be proficient in using technology as tools for learning and increasing productivity.
- Successful schools provide well-rounded curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs and every student has the right to equal educational opportunities.
- Our budgets must be fiscally responsible using available resources and developed through a transparent process that is sensitive to the needs of internal and external expectations.
- Our financial transactions and processes must be monitored via an effective system of internal and external controls.
- Our Facilities Department exists to provide a safe, secure, healthy and enriching environment for students, staff and the community, while enhancing the appearance of our buildings and grounds in the most cost effective, energy efficient, environmentally friendly and productive means of operation.
- All students must travel to and from school safely everyday.
- Students are healthier and learn better when they make nutritious food choices.
- Adults display and model ethical behaviors at all times and treat all people with respect.
- We recruit a highly qualified and diverse workforce and retain and develop that high quality through effective supervision and professional development.
- All employees must have an understanding of and sensitivity towards the needs of the families and community we serve to be successful.
- A district that is respectful and welcoming of the diverse members of the community and that integrates everyone into the school culture will achieve greater success with students.
- Our students’ parents, families and community are invaluable sources of support and assistance whose partnership and participation should be welcomed, encouraged and cultivated.
- Ongoing communication between teachers and families develops positive relationships and increases student performance.
- An effective district supports the needs of parents and families by cultivating partnerships with community businesses and agencies.
- An effective district promotes safe and nurturing environments for students before, during, and after school.
- A successful district promotes and celebrates its accomplishments.
Exceptional Student Achievement
Student Achievement Goal: Provide highly engaging and challenging curriculum and instruction that will maximize student achievement through data informed and innovative practices designed to meet the varied needs of all students.
Student Achievement Objectives: In order to move closer to our first goal, we will be pursuing the following Objectives during the 2024-2025 school year:
- Objective 1A: Complete an annual qualitative and quantitative analysis that includes data collected through multiple local, state, and national measures
- Objective 1B: Implement differentiated instruction and varied course choices for all students that focus on academic growth, diverse interests, and challenge learners to reach their full potential.
- Objective 1C: Implement innovative learning including AI literacy skills, computer science, critical thinking, creativity, problem solving, civics,
collaboration, communication, and global digital citizenship.
Prudent Fiscal Management
Fiscal Management Goal: Develop short and long-term financial plans for the District that meet the needs of our students, staff and community while maintaining spending within the allowable tax cap or other targets set by the Board of Education.
Fiscal Management Objectives: In order to move closer to our second goal, we will be pursuing the following Objectives during the 2024-2025 school year::
- Objective 2A: Consider budget efficiencies and additional revenue sources to maintain or increase instructional programs.
- Objective 2B: Prepare and pass a proposed budget for the 2025-2026 school year that is sensitive to the needs of students, staff, and taxpayers in our school community
- Objective 2C: Prepare long term capital improvement plans that address our facility needs.
School and Community Engagement
School and Community Engagement Goal: Develop systems, policies, and practices that improve the quality and climate of our schools for our students, staff, and community.
School and Community Engagement Objectives: In order to move closer to our third goal, we will be pursuing the following Objectives during the 2024-2025 school year:
- Objective 3A: Continue to provide a safe, welcoming and inclusive learning environment for all of our students, staff, families, applicants, and guests.
- Objective 3B: Maintain and meet with building and department based Leadership Teams to provide feedback from all stakeholders in the school community on programs and initiatives.
- Objective 3C: Analyze and utilize information from staff, family, and student surveys to measure and improve our school and District climate.
- Objective 3D: Implement programs, curriculum, and instructional materials which teach students and staff to understand and empathize the perspectives of others including those from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and contexts.
- Objective 3E: Provide opportunities for stakeholders’ voice and engagement to actively participate in the school community
- Objective 3F: Increase positive public relations through digital, video, and print resources.
Healthy, Safe, & Secure Students and Staff
Promoting Healthy, Safe & Secure Students and Staff Goal: Promote physical, mental, and social-emotional health within a safe and secure learning space.
Promoting Healthy Students & Staff Objectives: In order to move closer to our fourth goal, we will be pursuing the following objectives during the 2024-2025 school year:
- Objective 4A: Implement and continually revise our District, School, and Extra Curricular Safety Plans with input from both the school-based and District Safety Committees
- Objective 4B: Implement security strategies to prevent internal and external threats both during the day and after school hours.
- Objective 4C: Develop strategies for creating a healthy environment and addressing students’ and staff’s social and emotional needs.
The mission of the Port Jefferson Union Free School District is to provide a personalized, rigorous education that develops responsible, independent, adaptable life long learners through the acquisition of effective thinking and communication skills, an appreciation of the arts, the proficient use of technology, and a healthy life style in an educational community that promotes integrity and mutual respect.